Current Donation Campaign: HYGIENE PACKS FOR YOUNG GIRLS

We exist to improve the quality of life for all disadvantaged and vulnerable Zimbabweans, particularly women and children.
We envision a Zimbabwe where everyone has the opportunity to realize their full potential guaranteeing them a good quality of life and self-dignity, including but not limited to: Education, Employment, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Health, Rich cultural offerings and Safety.
Leadership: We listen to and learn from our community. We address the root causes of community problems and mobilize resources for the common good.
Equity: We strive for equity and we focus primarily, but not exclusively, on people who are vulnerable.
Inclusiveness: We practice and champion inclusiveness in our community. We honor diverse strengths, needs, voices, and backgrounds of all members of our community.
Accountability: We serve as stewards for our community investments and honor the charitable intentions of our donors to meet current and future community needs. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethics, integrity, service, and fiduciary responsibility.
Rugare Community Relief Services (RUCORS), is a registered Charity organization under the Zion Christian Church dedicated to ending suffering, poverty and creating opportunity. Our work has four main objectives;
Our programs include Nutrition, Health, Education, Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Empowerment, Economic Development, Relief and Advocacy.
3200 McKinley Ave Fort Worth 76106
18832 Bishop Gaul Ave Belvedere Harare Zimbabwe
CHIGUTIRO Schools Feeding Program
Rucors in 2022 – CHIGUTIRO Schools Feeding Program was underway in Masvingo Province. Uncertain about the source of their next meal and unable to concentrate in class, some students often resorted to skipping school to fend for themselves and their families.